Search results:

449 matches for Keyword: Ab* 

You may wish to expand your search by using our advanced search functions or by using wildcard characters to increase results. See search tips for more details.

Search Tips

For best results, users are recommended to use the advanced search functions. Search results can also be improved by the use of the the following Boolean search characters:

Wildcard Characters:

Given the prevalence of variant spellings in names, using Wildcard Characters may help.

"?" can be inserted as a variant for any single character.

Thus a search for:

returns results which contain either "Gewargis" or "Giwargis".

Similarly a search for:

returns results which contain either "Mar" or "Mor".

"*" can be inserted as a variant for multiple characters or a truncated word.

Thus a search for:

returns results for "Dayr" and "Dayro" and more.

Similarly a search for

returns results for "ʿAbdishoʿ" and "ʿAbda" and more.

Note: Because the sources we quote use a variety of transliteration formats, ignores diacritics and punctuation in searching; for example, use of "ʿ" is not required to find results with this diacritical mark.

Fuzzy Search Character

Appending the character "~" after a word returns results for words that are close but not exact matches.

Thus a search for

returns results which contain "Aba" but also "Abi", "Saba", "Aha", and other words that are "fuzzy" matches for "Aba".

Exact Phrase Searches

To find an exact phrase, it should be enclosed in double quotes.


"ʿAbdishoʿ I"  
returns only one result with that exact phrase, while several results are found for the words "ʿAbdishoʿ" and "I".

Proximity Characters

To find two or more words which occur within a specified range of each other, one can append the character "~" followed by a number to an "Exact Phrase" search. This allows one to search for two or more words that occur within a specified distance of each other as defined by number of words.


finds three results in which the words "Jacob" and "Bishop" occur within two words of each other: "Jacob , bishop of Nisibin", "Jacob, bishop of Phesilta", and "Jacob , bishop of ‛Ānah" while a simple search for "Jacob Bishop" returns many more results.

MosulContributor: Amir Harrak URI:
... patr. in 649. During the Umayyad and Abbasid  periods, Mosul was of prime importance, being a trade, commercial, and agri...
Mūsā al-Ḥabashī, Dayr Mār [formerly Syr. Orth., now Syr. Catholic]Contributor: Erica Cruikshank Dodd URI:
...rton and Moritz late in the 19th cent., but some time thereafter was totally abandoned  and fell into ruin. The fortress-like building was approached through a sma... ...his saint became associated with the monastery on the arrival of a number of Abyssinian  monks in the 15th cent. (Cruikshank Dodd). These monks from Mar Girgios al-... ... (of the Ethiopians), to Mār Mūsā al-Ḥabashi (the Ethiopian) might have come about  naturally in the process of time. A hand encased in a silver casket purport... ...rist on the triumphal arch with what appear to be archangels at either side. Above  these figures there may have been painted the Forty Martyrs of Sebaste (Imm... ...isle. In the southern aisle, an image of Samson and the Lion is painted high above  the western arch. At the east end, there may have been an early Baptism in ... ...isle. In the southern aisle, an image of Samson and the Lion is painted high above  the western arch. At the east end, there may have been an early Baptism in ... horsemen, George and Theodore, Bacchos and Sergios charge down the nave, above  the arches, towards the apse. The remains of two other riding saints are vi... ...eir gospels fill the spandrels. On the western wall is a great Last Judgment above  which is the Traditio clavium and the Traditio Legis, of which only the low...
Mushe bar Kipho (d. 903) [Syr. Orth.]Contributor: James F. Coakley URI:
... on the Tigris), and writer. Almost all that is known about  him comes from a short anonymous biography (in two recensions, BHO 779–80) ...
NagranContributor: Lucas Van Rompay URI:
...atr. Timotheos was able  to integrate the descendants of the exiles into the Ch. of E. In one of his...
Nestorios of Beth Nuhadra (d. ca. 800) [Ch. of E.]Contributor: Lucas Van Rompay URI:
... he had to be cleared from any mistrust concerning his orthodoxy. His formal abjuration  of messalianism and other heterodox teachings (preserved among Patr. ... ...stilled in us (weakened by sin but reinvigorated by Christ’s coming), we are able  ... to receive God’s fire. He also maintains that man indeed is able  to see God in a spiritual vision, a hotly debated question in Nestorios’s d... ... to receive God’s fire. He also maintains that man indeed is able  to see God in a spiritual vision, a hotly debated question in Nestorios’s d...
Nilus the Solitary (4th/5th cent.)Contributor: Sebastian P. Brock URI:
...ek monastic author. A number of writings in Greek are associated with Nilus, abbot  of a monastery near Ankyra (Ankara); among these are several which are in f...
Nöldeke, Theodor (1836–1930)Contributor: Hubert Kaufhold URI:
... Near Eastern studies of his day even though due to poor health he never was able  to visit the Middle East. Through him, Strasbourg became a center of Near E... ...ter of Near Eastern studies in Germany. He had many students, including from abroad ; he maintained contacts with many scholars and enjoyed international esteem... ...ter of Near Eastern studies in Germany. He had many students, including from abroad ; he maintained contacts with many scholars and enjoyed international esteem...
... the main text is presented on the lower portion of the parchment and an  abbreviated  summary occurs on the top. This top section would have originally been roll... ...he chronology of the last kings of Edessa (see Abgarids ). P. Dura 28 shows that the  Abgarid  dynasty must have come to an end in 212/213 when the city became a Roman co... of P. Euphrates 19, which states that 28 Dec. 240 is the 2nd year of king Abgar , it can be established that the dynasty was restored in 239 (or late 238) u... ... can be established that the dynasty was restored in 239 (or late 238) under Abgar  X, son of Maʿnu. Finally, it seems that Edessa must have reverted to a colo... ... can be established that the dynasty was restored in 239 (or late 238) under Abgar  X, son of Maʿnu. Finally, it seems that Edessa must have reverted to a colo...
ʿOnithā Contributor: Alessandro Mengozzi URI:
... , 2nd half of the 13th cent.) and Brikhishoʿ bar Eshkafe  abbot  of Beth Qoqa, 14th cent.?). The ʿonit...
Papa bar ʿAggai (d. between 327 and 335) [Ch. of E.]Contributor: Lucas Van Rompay URI:
... opponents was Miles, bp. of Susa (martyred in 345). The Acts of Miles speak about  the incident in terms very unfavorable to Papa; the report by ... ... Dadishoʿ (424), takes Papa’s side and is negative about  ... Miles; Bar ʿEbroyo’s summary report is neutral and dispassionate. Upset about  the accusations that Miles brought forth against him at the synod, Papa is ... ...tempt and defiance. As a result his hand was paralyzed. The sources disagree about  whether Papa subsequently was deposed and  about  the accusations that Miles brought forth against him at the synod, Papa is ... whether Papa subsequently was deposed and  about  the accusations that Miles brought forth against him at the synod, Papa is ... ...tempt and defiance. As a result his hand was paralyzed. The sources disagree about  whether Papa subsequently was deposed and  about  how long he lived after the incident. Agapetos used the incident around Pap...

Search results:

449 matches for Keyword: Ab* 

You may wish to expand your search by using our advanced search functions or by using wildcard characters to increase results. See search tips for more details.

Search Tips

For best results, users are recommended to use the advanced search functions. Search results can also be improved by the use of the the following Boolean search characters:

Wildcard Characters:

Given the prevalence of variant spellings in names, using Wildcard Characters may help.

"?" can be inserted as a variant for any single character.

Thus a search for:

returns results which contain either "Gewargis" or "Giwargis".

Similarly a search for:

returns results which contain either "Mar" or "Mor".

"*" can be inserted as a variant for multiple characters or a truncated word.

Thus a search for:

returns results for "Dayr" and "Dayro" and more.

Similarly a search for

returns results for "ʿAbdishoʿ" and "ʿAbda" and more.

Note: Because the sources we quote use a variety of transliteration formats, ignores diacritics and punctuation in searching; for example, use of "ʿ" is not required to find results with this diacritical mark.

Fuzzy Search Character

Appending the character "~" after a word returns results for words that are close but not exact matches.

Thus a search for

returns results which contain "Aba" but also "Abi", "Saba", "Aha", and other words that are "fuzzy" matches for "Aba".

Exact Phrase Searches

To find an exact phrase, it should be enclosed in double quotes.


"ʿAbdishoʿ I"  
returns only one result with that exact phrase, while several results are found for the words "ʿAbdishoʿ" and "I".

Proximity Characters

To find two or more words which occur within a specified range of each other, one can append the character "~" followed by a number to an "Exact Phrase" search. This allows one to search for two or more words that occur within a specified distance of each other as defined by number of words.


finds three results in which the words "Jacob" and "Bishop" occur within two words of each other: "Jacob , bishop of Nisibin", "Jacob, bishop of Phesilta", and "Jacob , bishop of ‛Ānah" while a simple search for "Jacob Bishop" returns many more results.