Search results:

462 matches for Keyword: Aba~ 

You may wish to expand your search by using our advanced search functions or by using wildcard characters to increase results. See search tips for more details.

Search Tips

For best results, users are recommended to use the advanced search functions. Search results can also be improved by the use of the the following Boolean search characters:

Wildcard Characters:

Given the prevalence of variant spellings in names, using Wildcard Characters may help.

"?" can be inserted as a variant for any single character.

Thus a search for:

returns results which contain either "Gewargis" or "Giwargis".

Similarly a search for:

returns results which contain either "Mar" or "Mor".

"*" can be inserted as a variant for multiple characters or a truncated word.

Thus a search for:

returns results for "Dayr" and "Dayro" and more.

Similarly a search for

returns results for "ʿAbdishoʿ" and "ʿAbda" and more.

Note: Because the sources we quote use a variety of transliteration formats, ignores diacritics and punctuation in searching; for example, use of "ʿ" is not required to find results with this diacritical mark.

Fuzzy Search Character

Appending the character "~" after a word returns results for words that are close but not exact matches.

Thus a search for

returns results which contain "Aba" but also "Abi", "Saba", "Aha", and other words that are "fuzzy" matches for "Aba".

Exact Phrase Searches

To find an exact phrase, it should be enclosed in double quotes.


"ʿAbdishoʿ I"  
returns only one result with that exact phrase, while several results are found for the words "ʿAbdishoʿ" and "I".

Proximity Characters

To find two or more words which occur within a specified range of each other, one can append the character "~" followed by a number to an "Exact Phrase" search. This allows one to search for two or more words that occur within a specified distance of each other as defined by number of words.


finds three results in which the words "Jacob" and "Bishop" occur within two words of each other: "Jacob , bishop of Nisibin", "Jacob, bishop of Phesilta", and "Jacob , bishop of ‛Ānah" while a simple search for "Jacob Bishop" returns many more results.

EddéContributor: Erica Cruikshank Dodd URI:
...s of Mount Lebanon, above the town of Batrun (Botrom); site of church of Mar Saba . The town of Eddé lies i... ...hills of Mount Lebanon, above the town of Batrun (Botrom). The church of Mar Saba , which nowadays is Maronite, is an imposing Crusader building from the 12th... ... L.  Nordiguian and J.-C.  Voisin, Châteaux et églises du moyen âge  ... au Liban (1999), 380–1. L.  Nordiguian and N. Reveyron, ‘L’église Mar Saba  de Eddé (Batroun). Pour une archéologie du bâti au Liban’, Tempora. ...
Giwargis of Bʿeltan (Patr. 758–789) [Syr. Orth.]Contributor: Witold Witakowski URI:
...cording to a non-Syriac source [see Evetts, 413]), but apparently at a young age  he turned Syr. Orth. He was educated in Syriac and Greek learning in the ... ... the synod at Serugh in 764/5 the Mesopotamian bishops accepted Dawid bp. of Dara  as the successor to the deceased anti-patriarch. Dawid ... ...eceased anti-patriarch. Dawid accused Giwargis of tax irregularities, and Caliph Abū  Jaʿfar ʿAbdullāh al-Manṣūr (754–75) put him in prison for nine years (767–7... ... authorities. On 22 May 785 he presided over the synod in Kfar Nabu  in the region of Serugh at which 22 canons, mostly of a disciplinary nature... ... (quoted by Michael Rabo  , Chronicle, vol. 3, 5–8) on the formula ‘We break ... ... A.  Harrak, The Chronicle of Zuqnīn, Parts III and IV, A.D . 488–775 (Medieval Sources in Translation 36; 1999). ...
Armalah, Isḥāq Armalet, Isaac (1879–1954) [Syr. Cath.]Contributor: George A. Kiraz URI:
... Sources  Abūna ,  Adab , 555. M. al-Jamil, Taʾrīkh wa-siyar. Kahanat al-suryān ...
Raḥmani, Ignatius Ephrem II (1848–1929) [Syr. Cath.]Contributor: Sebastian P. Brock George A. Kiraz URI:
... Sources  Abuna ,  Adab , 603–7. Macuch, Geschichte, 429–32. D.  Aphram Naqq...
Siirt Seert, SʿertContributor: Amir Harrak URI:
... critical scholar who was murdered and mutilated near Siirt on 15 June 1915. All  the Christians of the city and region without exception fell victim to the ... ... Sources  Abūna ,  Adab , 491–6. Fiey, Pour un Oriens christianus novus, ... ...ristianus novus, 129. J.  Rhétoré, Les Chrétiens aux  bêtes (2005), 175–7. A.  Scher, Histoire nestor...
Yoḥannan of Mosul (d. 1270?) [Ch. of E.]Contributor: Sebastian P. Brock URI:
... , Yoḥannan was the author of a long poem of moral exhortation entitled Ktābā  d-šappirut dubbāre, transmitted in a number of both E.- and W.-Syr. mss.; t... ... are based closely on Wisdom books of the Hebrew Bible (those on Qohelet and Bar  Sira are ed., with GT, by Deppe and by Strothmann). The work was published ... ...s published in Rome in 1868 by Eliya Yoḥannan Millos, Chald. metropolitan of ʿAqra , together with various other texts, under the title Directorium Spirituale;... ... Sources  Abūna ,  Adab , 441–3. Baumstark, ... ... Baumstark idem , ‘Zu Joḥannan von Mossul, Joḥannan bar  Penkaje und Micha’el Michaʾel ... ... Johannes von Mosul (GOFS 6; 1975). W.  Strothmann, Johannes von Mossul. Bar  Sira (GOFS 19; 1979). ...
Gabriel Qaṭraya (6th/7th cent.) [Ch. of E.]Contributor: Sebastian P. Brock URI:
...least much of the work is attributed to Abraham bar  Lipeh (ed. R. H.  Connolly, in CSCO 71, 76; 19... ... Secondary Sources S. P.  Brock, ‘Syriac writers from Beth Qatraye’, ARAM  11/12 (1999/2000), 85–92, esp. 89–92. ...
Hippolytus of Rome (late 2nd/early 3rd cent.)Contributor: Sebastian P. Brock URI:
...he end of Dionysios  bar  Ṣalibi ’s Commentary on Daniel. Dionysios’s Commentary on the ... ...n of the earth between the descendants of Noah in Syriac tradition’, ARAM  5 (1993), 635–56, esp. 649–53. ...
Shubḥalmaran (d. 620?) [Ch. of E.]Contributor: David J. Lane URI:
... 605–ca. 609, of the monastic reformer and theologian  Babai  the Great , and of the biblical commentator ... ...n the lists of ascetical writers in Mesopotamia catalogued by ʿAbdishoʿ bar  Brikha and Ishoʿdnaḥ ... ... Syr. 631. Quotations from his exegetical works are to be found in Sabrishoʿ bar  Pawlos. The folios in the Brit. Libr. ms. do not provide one single work, ‘The ...
Mingana, Alphonse (1878–1937) [Chald.]Contributor: George A. Kiraz URI:
... Patr. Emmanuel Toma, and adopted the name Alphonse. Mingana traveled in the area  collecting mss. He managed to collect 70 mss. 20 of which were on parchment... ...g mss. He managed to collect 70 mss. 20 of which were on parchment, but they all  perished in World War I. Mingana worked as copy-editor at the Dominican Pre... ... Sources  Abūna ,  Adab , 505–7. J. F.  Coakley, ‘A Catalogue of the Syriac manuscripts in the John ...

Search results:

462 matches for Keyword: Aba~ 

You may wish to expand your search by using our advanced search functions or by using wildcard characters to increase results. See search tips for more details.

Search Tips

For best results, users are recommended to use the advanced search functions. Search results can also be improved by the use of the the following Boolean search characters:

Wildcard Characters:

Given the prevalence of variant spellings in names, using Wildcard Characters may help.

"?" can be inserted as a variant for any single character.

Thus a search for:

returns results which contain either "Gewargis" or "Giwargis".

Similarly a search for:

returns results which contain either "Mar" or "Mor".

"*" can be inserted as a variant for multiple characters or a truncated word.

Thus a search for:

returns results for "Dayr" and "Dayro" and more.

Similarly a search for

returns results for "ʿAbdishoʿ" and "ʿAbda" and more.

Note: Because the sources we quote use a variety of transliteration formats, ignores diacritics and punctuation in searching; for example, use of "ʿ" is not required to find results with this diacritical mark.

Fuzzy Search Character

Appending the character "~" after a word returns results for words that are close but not exact matches.

Thus a search for

returns results which contain "Aba" but also "Abi", "Saba", "Aha", and other words that are "fuzzy" matches for "Aba".

Exact Phrase Searches

To find an exact phrase, it should be enclosed in double quotes.


"ʿAbdishoʿ I"  
returns only one result with that exact phrase, while several results are found for the words "ʿAbdishoʿ" and "I".

Proximity Characters

To find two or more words which occur within a specified range of each other, one can append the character "~" followed by a number to an "Exact Phrase" search. This allows one to search for two or more words that occur within a specified distance of each other as defined by number of words.


finds three results in which the words "Jacob" and "Bishop" occur within two words of each other: "Jacob , bishop of Nisibin", "Jacob, bishop of Phesilta", and "Jacob , bishop of ‛Ānah" while a simple search for "Jacob Bishop" returns many more results.